EXHIBITION:1 + 1 = 11

30 November 2011

In collaboration with Takt AIR
Artist in Residence Program

1 + 1 = 11
10. – 17. Dec., Wen – Sat 3 – 7 pm
Opening: December 9th, 7pm


tamtamART is pleased to present “1 + 1 = 11”, a Takt goup show curated by Weronika
Trojanska (PL). The exhibition will open on Dec 9. and will be on view until Dec 17.

Eleven. One beyond ten and one below twelve. The first number which cannot be counted
by human fingers. Stays the same written upside down. Indicates hour before midnight - the
last possible moment to take care of something. Posses the qualities of intuition, patience,
honesty, sensitivity and spirituality. The number of years in which the sun spot cycle repeats.
The length of the largest cat Siberian Tiger. The quantity of dimensions which may exist in
the universe. Number of players on the field in games such as soccer, cricket or American
football. The distance from the deepest point of the ocean floor to the bottom of the Mariana
Trench. Speed in kilometers per second at which the rocket must travel to escape the
Earth’s gravity. Weight in ounces of the average adult male heart. The hour, day and month
of the date the World War I ended. The record number of Oscar awards for one movie. The
number of artists from Takt residency which showing their works at tamtamART.

Hsi Wen Fang
Constanza Gianola
Mariam Haji
Hyojung Jung
Natalya Kochak
Anthony Lachlan
Jacqueline Larcombe
Susie Nelson
Gunes Oktay
Rebeccah Power
Birde Vanheerswynghels




18 November 2011


+ KLANG ABEND # 3 by DJ RAQ & DJ Meon
26. Nov. 2011
 Sat  3 – 7 pm

Opening25. Nov. 2011  8 - 11pm

Artists talk& tour9 - 9:30pm
Klang Abend # 3
9:30 - 11pm


Dear friends,

tamtamART have the pleasure to invite you to our Opening for Exhibition : MADE IN BERLINTHE ENCOUNTER by Peihang Huang and Sound Event : KLANG ABEND # 3. The exhibition will open on 25th November and will be on view also on 26th November. At the opening night will include a KLANG ABEND # 3 event by DJ RAQ & DJ Meon.

MADE IN BERLINTHE ENCOUNTER, is a special project from a young artist from Taiwan, Peihang Huang(黃沛涵). During her stay in Berlin, she pictured a smile from those new made friends or the nice people that are friendly to her, and paint the portrait of them each on acrylic on paper. This is an evidence of her stay and how she makes the connection to this city, and could be an experiment of how people can be connected to each other. Through the exhibition, all the people participated in the project could gather together to celebrate “the Encounter”of the artist and the culture. Welcome to share this magic moment, exclusively in Berlin.

Peihang Huang:www.flickr.com/photos/69012717@N00/
Peihang Huang is presented by AKI GALLERY Taiwan, any further contacts : www.akigallery.com.tw

KLANG ABEND is a sound project. We invite sound artists to do life concert which focus more on the experimental of sound.

More info:



09 November 2011

19. Nov. - 20. Nov. 2011

Opening : SATURDAY . 19 NOVEMBER . 8pm
Venue : tamtamArt  / Weichselstr.8 10247 Friedrichshain Berlin
Exhibition : SUNDAY . 20 NOV. 2011 . 3-7pm


tamtamART have the pleasure to invite you to our opening for exhibition : “MASA # 6 : VIRUS/SUPERSTAR” by Yuki Jungesblut. The show is organized by Isabel Schmiga and Sandra Teitge and will open on 19. 20. Nov. 2011.

For MASA BERLIN Berlin-based artist Yuki Jungesblut (*1974) explores the metaphoric power
of the concepts virus and superstar in our everyday life. Originated in the sciences in the last
century, the term virus has since entered other fields (»computer virus« p.e.). The superstar is
also a creation of the 20th century and closely linked to mass media. In a growing mental map
of associations, the artist invites the audience at MASA BERLIN to either draw, write down, or
verbally communicate ideas concerning notions of VIRUS/SUPERSTAR. Jungesblut will
subsequently structure and model the collected remarks in the further development of the

MASA SPREAD YOURSELF! Masa is the Turkish word for table and simultaneously provides
the title for the mobile and independent exhibition space MASA BERLIN. It is an alterable table
vitrine, which appeared for the first time in 2006 in Istanbul, where it was initiated by artist
Vahit Tuna as a space for contemporary art. In 2011, MASA multiplied and starting from April
its offspring has been invading Berlin’s artistic and urban landscape. In-between-space itself,
MASA – a table set with art – will appear in in-between-spaces, attest them, open up a dialogue
and simply embody the notion of hospitality.

MASA BERLIN - BEING HOSTED AS THE HOST To invite has a twofold meaning in Hebrew and means additional to its conventional use also »to make time«. The notion of double hospitality, triggered via its peregrination and its halt at the most different locations, will be framed by a condensed and focused two-day exhibition format.
»As an extension that excludes art created for the system, as an environment that aims to
compose an area with no boundaries for the Artist, MASA welcomes everyone!« Vahit Tuna

MASA BERLIN is initiated and organized by Isabel Schmiga and Sandra Teitge.

More info: