“Invisible Stranger”

06 September 2010

The “Invisible Stranger” examines the relationship of the familiar and unfamiliar through geography and culture in a series of work created by local Berlin artists as well as international artists. The work is to be viewed at the Tamtam8 Art Space from September 10 to October 9th, 2010 as well as with the SecondHome Art Project alongside the Berlin Art Fair in October 7 to 10, 2010.

The title “Invisible Stranger” is borrowed from German sociologist Georg Simmel, who wrote the essay 'The Stranger' that states, "The Stranger is close to us, insofar as we feel between him and ourselves common features of a national, social, occupational, or generally human, nature. He is far from us, insofar as these common features extend beyond him or us, and connect us only because they connect a great many people. “[1]

The 'Invisible Stranger' aims to bring together life experiences both foreign and familiar into an artistic realm in hopes to expand dialogue and enrich our perspectives of the world we all inhabit. In this digital age of rapidly advancing technology, omnipresent connectivity, visual stimuli and increasing mobility, we are constantly exposed to strange new places and strange new people that shape us all in familiar as well as strange and mysterious ways. 
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Participating artists:
Brad Darcy, Jeanette Doyle, Michele Falchi, Ya-Wen Fu, Hsuan Huang, YunTing Hung ,Katharina Sickert, Lilla von Puttkamer, Stefan Riebel, KuangYu Tsui, YaHui Wang

Curated by NuNu Hung TAMTAM 8 Group