Berlin Project Concept

27 June 2009

I asked those new friends I made in Berlin two questions: one was asking them to share with me an amusing or special experience in their life; the other was to find a place in Berlin which can have a connection with this experience and why they thought of this specific place.
Holding a mini Berlin metro map, carrying my camera and video camera, I started an extremely unusual trip. Following every friend I have interviewed, we moved about in streets and alleys of Berlin. Most of time, we chatted freely in coffee shops, or went to an unknown place in a park or beside the road. When we arrived, they would tell me this was the place they wanted to share with me. Then I would take out my camera, set it up on the tripod, and took pictures of that place.
Some interesting things happened during the process of recording. I tried to interpret my impression of Berlin from my own perspective in this project. However, my impression of Berlin was consisted by the content of every interview, the image of every interviewer and the places they mentioned. I became the key person in the middle to combine all these elements. What I want to present in my work is the relative result coming from these combinations.
Therefore, my impression of Berlin is no longer like the German history in a tour guide, but everyone’s feeling at that particular moment, as well as my memories for every ordinary
places and cities.




Portrait of Cities - Berlin Project 城市肖像-柏林計畫 28.06-26.07.2009

14 June 2009

Vernissage: 27. June 2009 Sa. 19-22h
Open: 28. June - 26. July, Fri. Sat. Sun. 15-19h

Portrait of Cities - Berlin Project
Shang-Lin Wu Solo Exhibition

Nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer, dem wohl stärksten Symbol des Kalten Krieges, ist Berlin wieder zur Hauptstadt Deutschlands, einer internationalen Metropole, in der verschiedene Einstellungen und Stile ineinander zusammenfließen, geworden. Mittlerweile, auch mit der Weiterentwicklung durch die Globalisierung, hat die Landschaft Berlins, die größtenteils im Zweiten Krieg zerstört worden ist, im Vergleich zu den anderen, sie umgebenden Großstädten in relativ kurzer Zeit ein völlig neues Antlitz erlangt. In der sich stetig ausbreitenden und wandelnden Weltstadt überlagern sich die Spuren der Geschichte. Man kann sich vorstellen, dass in jedem Augenblick überall in Berlin unglaubliche Dinge passieren. Im Café an der Ecke, auf den Plätzen, die nur so von Menschen wimmelnden, hinterlassen die Individuen an ein und denselben Orten ihre verschiedenen Erinnerungen.